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ZUŠ Leoše Janáčka Ostrava-Vítkovice

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Veronika Bogocz Hanková - piano, keyboard, music theory
She comes from Slovakia. She studied the piano at J.L.Bellu Conservatory in Banská Bystrica and then the Choir Conducting at the Music Academy in Banská Bystrica. She taught at several primary and art schools in Slovakia and she led the choirs Advent Chorus, Laudate Dominum and the gospel vocal band Gospel Harmony.
Lucie Dittrichová - piano
Lucie Dittrichová graduated in Piano Performance from the Janáček Conservatory and is currently continuing her studies in Combined Art Studies at Masaryk University in Brno. She taught piano at Ostrava-Svinov Music School for a number of years and joined our team in 2014. She loves going for long walks in the countryside, which is good for both her and her pet dog.
Jiří Dokoupil - double bass, guitar, bass guitar
Since his studies at the Janáček Conservatory, Jiří Dokoupil has been a double bass player at the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra. He represents the members of Czech symphonic orchestras in his role of president of the Union of Orchestra Players. He started working at our school in 2004 and teaches students to play everything from Mozart, Nirvana, Štěpán Rak, Metallica, Carulli, Nohavica, ethnic music, and some jazz to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Adam Grygar - voice
Adam Grygar is member of the opera of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava. A winner of the International F.X.Dušek competition, his extensive solo concert activity includes pieces by the greatest baroque masters, classical songs, musical, opereta and opera arias. In 2015 he participated in the XX. Master Singing Courses in Karlovy Vary, where he worked with prof. doc. Magdaléna Blahušiaková and prof. Antonio Carangelo.
Kateřina Havránková - harp, piano, music theory
Kateřina Havránková graduated in Harp Performance from the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava. In 2010 she received her Master's degree from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava in Musical Education and Czech Language and Literature and is currently studying for her Doctorate in Music Theory and Pedagogy. She is currently planning to finish her dissertation, to get a degree in Esthetics, to learn French, to run a top-class restaurant, to learn knitting... She is not short of dreams!
Iva Kubíková - violin
Iva Kubíková started teaching violin even before graduating from Ostrava Conservatory and this part of her work remains her passion even now. As the head of the violin department, she is also a leading violin methodologist for the Moravia-Silesia region. She is a brilliant speaker and no school concert is complete without her masterful and witty contributions.
Jaromír Návrat - piano, keyboard, composition
Jaromír Návrat studied oboe and composition at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava before earning his Master's degree in Composition from the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He taught for a few years at the Janáček Conservatory and then worked for almost 20 years as a music publisher. From 2014 he has been the headmaster of the Leoš Janáček School of Music.
Tatiana Pituchová - voice
After studying at the Lidová konzervatoř in Ostrava, Tatiana Pituchová graduated from the University of Ostrava in Solo Singing and then from the Faculty of Education in Primary Education. She has worked at the State Opera in Prague and currently works at the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre. She is an experienced teacher and regular member of singing competition panels.
Lada Podžorská - piano
Lada Podžorská studied the piano at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava and then earned her Master's degree in Piano Performance at the University of Ostrava. She has been working as a piano teacher at the Leoš Janáček School of Music since 2007. She also teaches at the Lidová konzervatoř in Ostrava. Besides music, she likes horse riding and she is an avid reader of Stephen King novels.
Jaroslav Podžorski - violin
Jaroslav Podžorski graduated from the Janáček Conservatory and the University of Ostrava in Violin Performance. As well as being a member of the Janáček Chamber Orchestra, he plays in the Simcha klezmer group and in the folk music band Fogáš. He has been teaching at the Leoš Janáček School of Music since 2008.
Marjolein de Roos - clarinet, saxophone
Marjolein de Roos was born in Holland, where she studied clarinet at Tilburg Conservatory and then at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. She also graduated from the University of Ostrava. She is a member of the Jiří Myron Theatre orchestra and, on occasions, also cooperates with The Czech Baroque Ensemble and Musica florea in Prague.
Jan Škrdlík - violoncello
Jan Škrdlík is one of the best violoncello soloists in the Czech Republic. He studied at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno and also with Luis Claret in Barcelona, Spain. Jan Škrdlík taught violoncello at the Brno Conservatory and since 2004 he has led the interpretation courses in Opočno. His interests are broad - besides other things he writes poetry in both Czech and Spanish.
Jiří Sládek - guitar, electric guitar
Jiří Sládek started off studying the piano and then switched to the guitar at the Conservatory of Pardubice. Besides playing classical guitar, he is also a skilled and experienced electric guitar player. As such he performs regularly with several hard rock bands around the region
zřizovatel ZUŠ
  • Zahájení školního roku 2015/2016

    Vážení rodiče, vážení žáci, vítáme vás v novém školním roce. Horké prázdniny skončily a nás čeká podnětná tvůrčí práce, na kterou se už jistě všichni těšíme. Chystáme hodně nových projektů a zajímavých akcí. Vám žáčkům přejeme hodně sil a úspěchů při náročném studiu. Rodičům pak hodně trpělivosti a zájmu při snažení svých skvělých ratolestí.

    more...Naši žáci na vernisáži

    15. září 2015 vystoupí žákyně pěveckého oddělení ze třídy p. uč. Tatiany Pituchové na vernisáži malířů sdružených pod názvem "Pondělní skupina"  ve vítkovickém Domu u Šraněk. Začátek výstavy je v 18.30 hod.
